Beach Beauty Essentials
Posted by Beach Lifeguard on 15th Mar 2015
As you are deciding how to prepare for and what to bring to the beach be sure not to leave out the beach beauty essentials. Who says you can’t still look your best when out in the water or lounging beside it? Carry these essentials and you will have all you need to always look fabulous.
It’s all about the bag. What you carry in it is probably more important, but why not look fashionable while sporting that great look? Choose a beach bag that fits your personality and is big enough to hold all your belongings. You will need a towel, sunscreen, and possibly a beach umbrella, but you’ll want to carry more than just these items.
Don’t leave the house without your lotion. Sunscreen serves an important purpose, but it is not a moisturizer. After playing in the water and sand all day, your hands may be a bit rough and worse for wear. Applying lotion to them will restore softness to your skin.
Buy waterproof makeup. It probably won’t stay on all day, but you may get several hours out of it. Bring it with you if you want to reapply it after getting out of the water.
Lip protection is important, but did you know many lip therapies’ are now colored like lip gloss? Now you can protect your lips while perfecting that pretty pout in the color that best suits you. Throw a couple different options in your beach bag and you’ll be ready to go.
The next items won’t go in your bag, but are still considered summer beach beauty essentials.
Use body butter between beach visits. This will also help your skin remain soft, which is especially important if you spend a lot of time outside. Wind and sun will burn and dry your skin, and body butter will help revive it.
Get a manicure and pedicure before going to the beach. It may not hold up well if you are a frequent visitor, but you’ll have an opportunity to show off those fingers and toes while sporting that new bikini.
Consider hair care. Your hair will become damaged from the sun and salt water, so conditioning it will be necessary.